Tuesday 6 May 2014

Diet Is Not the Answer

Being overweight had become the problem of the century; everybody suffers weight problems for real or just the illusion of it. From my experience, I have learnt one thing about this specific problem. DIETS DON’T WORK.
Yes its true, they don’t. Probably they do for one week or two or even a month or two but after you lose the weight and stop dieting, you always gain double the weight back.


 Why do you lose the weight and why do you gain it back? when you are dieting, you are eating very carefully and you eat out of a menu that you know you can’t break and you try to do everything to help it work including exercise and staying away from temptations. But as soon as you stop DIETING, you stop monitoring yourself and you stop eating carefully and you stop exercising and you start giving yourself everything you have been denied when you were on a diet and more. The result is ….MORE WEIGHT GAIN THAN BEFORE.!
The paradox of weight loss This of course is not the sole cause of gaining and losing weight. The undisclosed truth for weight loss and gain that no doctors will tell you when you are undergoing a diet based on calories is truly shocking. Any human body with any set of certain eating habits even bad eating habits like overeating – is programmed to burn a set number of calories per day that don’t only depend on their weight, height, gender and age but also on the kind and quantity of food they are eating !! Did you know that ?
 Eat what you like and never mind yes its true and you can check it out yourself, look around you and monitor the quality and quantity of the food intake of any Full lady that is not undergoing any diet programs and has kept a long term steady rate of food consumption . Do you see her getting fatter although she eats what you might consider a lot of food? Do you see her weight jumping up and down like a yoyo? Do you see her suffering hunger strikes all of a sudden ? No she doesn’t, why ? because her body automatically got used to the fact that she eats a lot and in an unhealthy way and responded gradually to that by slow weight gain over the years and also gradually the body learnt to metabolize a higher number of calories everyday to combat the weight gain. The end result is weight gain over the years – yes but no more battles with weight ups and downs !!
over weight VS perfect weight – who wins ? Now if you look at another lady around you in the same age who is not overweight and you monitored her eating habits, you will find that she doesn’t eat half of what the first lady eats and she still complains about weight highs ad lows !!! so what is happening why is the first lady not gaining weight although she is eating vast amounts of food and why is the second lady suffering weight gain although she is TRYING to control her eating ?!
The reason is that unlike the overweight lady, the second lady has been trying to keep her weight under control , sometimes she succeeds and sometimes she doesn’t. By that she puts her body up against a dilemma, the body doesn’t get the time to accustom itself to a certain eating order, as a result the fluctuations of weight gain or loss occur and the vicious cycle goes on with doubled and tripled gained back weight because of repetitive spaced low calorie diets.
To full proof your theory, try to get the slim lady to eat the same amounts of food that the overweight lady eats – the slim lady of course will absolutely refuse, why ? because she knows very well that if she does, she will gain a lot of weight suddenly – why ? because her body isn’t used to that kind of eating manner.
 Calorie Diets are NO good The conclusion of all that is one thing and that is the calorie theory doesn’t apply and doesn’t work as we have just proved that two ladies in the same category have two completely varied metabolism rates, so we cant simply come up to them and tell them to go on a calorie diet of 2000/ day. if the two ladies undergo such a diet, what will happen is the full lady's weight will drop very rapidly during her first two weeks as her initial diet was way above 2000 calories. The other lady will either drop the weight extremely slow during the first two weeks or she might not even lose the weight at all because her original calorie intake is very close to 2000 cal/ day so not much of a change. After a month of dieting the overweight lady will hardly lose anymore weight as her body accustomed itself to the current number of calories it gets.
The consequence of that is that our full lady cant eat like she used to before because her body now has great readiness to gain weight that could reach more than double what she has lost and not only that but she also cant lose any extra weight than what she had already lost unless she puts herself on a lower calorie diet in which she has to consume even less food and the brutal cycle goes on until she find herself one day breakfasting on an olive and having a crack of bread for lunch and orange juice for dinner !!!
My one and only advice to you out of personal experience is to never go on a calorie diet as they cause more harm than gain to you and your body weight.


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