Friday 20 July 2018

What is Happiness | How to be Happy in Life | 20 Tips For Happy Life

What is Happiness, How to be Happy in Life

What is Happiness?

Most of us don�t need a proper definition of happiness as we know it when we feel it. Frequently we use the term to define a range of positive emotions, comprising joy, pride, pleasure, and gratitude.
But to comprehend the reasons and effects of happiness, researchers first need to explain it. Most researchers use the term �Happiness� similarly the �personal well-being� which they quantify by just requesting people to report how satisfied they feel with their own lives and how much positive and negative sentiments they�re experiencing.
The research proposes that contentment is a blend of how pleased you are with your life and how good you feel every day. Both of these are comparatively stable that is, our life changes, and our mood varies, but our overall happiness is more hereditarily determined than anything else. 
The good news is, with steady effort, this can be counterbalance. Think of it similarly you think about weight; if you eat how you want to and are as active as you want to be, your body will adjust at a specific weight. But if you eat less than you would like or exercise more, your body-weight will settle accordingly. 
If that new food or exercise routine becomes a part of your daily life, then your body has a different weight. If you return to eating and taking exercise the way you used to, your weight will return to where it started. So it goes, too, with contentment and happiness.
In other words, you have the capability to control how you feel and with continuous exercise, you can form life-long habits for a more gratifying and rewarding life.

How to be Happy?

Social experts have spent a lot of time studying what makes us happy. We know happiness can predict health and longevity, and happiness gages can be used to determine social progress and the attainment of public policies. But contentment isn�t something that just happens to you. Everybody has the power to make minor changes in his behavior, surrounds, and relations that can help set him on track for a happier life.

How to be Happy in Life?

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Being happy usually means regularly finding satisfaction, happiness, a sense of joy, and a sensation that your life is significant in all types of problems � that doesn't depend upon finding comfort or ease. Nobody is cheerful or ecstatic all the time, but some persons are certainly more satisfied / fortunate than others. Some research studies disclose that happiness has little to do with comfort or possessions. A sense of happiness or contentment is good for your health, so what can we do to have that? Learn how to be happier in your life.

How to Make Yourself Happy? 20 Tips for Happy Life

You can make yourself happy and become a happier person by following these 20 Best Tips of Happy Life.

What is Happiness, How to be Happy in Life, Tips for Happy Life

Tip No 1
Make happiness a priority. If the contentment is not at top of your list then other things will get first priority. If other things get precedence, then they may restrict your endeavors to feel good.
Tip No 2
Make plans to be happy. Those who fail to make a strategy, they plan to be fail. Like as other fields of life, the fruitful pursuit of contentment needs planning.
Tip No 3
Set happy goals. Following on from Tip 2, planning needs successful goal setting. So don�t forget to sort your goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timed).
Tip No 4
Do things that make you happy. Several persons forget to do things from which they can get happiness and do them rarely.
Tip No 5
Set your tasks from which you can get satisfaction. As well as pleasure and contentment, satisfaction is also a significant part of happiness. So ensure that when you are setting your tasks and goals, you include things that might not be enjoyable, but from which you can get happiness and satisfaction.
Tip No 6
Play and have fun. Don�t take life too solemnly. Even though we all have responsibilities there�s no reason why we can�t approach much of our lives in a lively way. In fact, those who do so will absolutely be cheerier.
Tip No 7
Recognize where your strengths lie. Find where your mistakes and flaws are to avoid the problems and where your strengths lie to be really happy and to succeed in life.
Tip No 8
Utilize your strengths.  Even though we all can and should effort to improve in areas in which we�re feeble there�s just as much, if not more, to be gained from focusing on the best utilization of your strengths which may include your optimistic qualities and attributes.
Tip No 9
Be curious and inquisitive. Always search for new ways to be happy constantly and keep a look out for new approaches for a happy and funny life.
Tip No 10
Be thankful and appreciate what you have. We all have numerous choices in life. One of which is whether to concentrate on all the things we don�t have, or to concentrate on all the things we do have. Undoubtedly, the appreciation and recognition will significantly increase your chances of feeling happiness.
Tip No 11
Learn to like and preferably to love yourself. We must love others before we can be loved. To love others and to be loved by others is a main factor of happiness.
Tip No 12
Spend time and energy into your key relationships. The happy persons invest more time to their relationships and tend to be more helpful to other persons in their life. These happy persons are more generous and unselfish.
Tip No 13
Be socialize and interact with others as much as possible. The happy persons keep better relationships. So in addition to working for better quality relationships (as mentioned in Tip No 12), it is also valuable working to increase the number of your relationships.
Tip No 14
Remove unsupportive thoughts. The Dalai Lama has been quoted saying that �The central method for achieving a happier life is to train your mind in a daily practice that weakens negative attitudes and strengthens positive ones.� Study first to recognize your thoughts and then start to test those that are negative and unsupportive.
Tip No 15
Plant happier and positive thoughts. As mentioned in Tip No 14, there are two parts to developing obliging and positive thinking. The first is to remove unsupportive and negative thoughts and the second is to plant more happier and positive ones. This is basically a skill, and like any other skill becomes easier and effective with regular exercise.
Tip No 16
Live a healthy life. Eat well, be energetic, and take exercise daily. Even though not impossible, but it�s hard to be happy if you�re continuously ill and not very healthy.
Tip No 17
Ensure you gain sufficient sleep and rest. Consistent with Tip No 16, it�s hard to be happy if you�re continuously exhausted and struggling to find sufficient energy to get through the day.
Tip No 18
Manage your time and priorities. The happy persons rely on more control over their lives. In doing so, they are more likely to take a dynamic approach for resolving the issues. If anything is not quite right in your life, do something and ensure that what you are doing is more significant. Put first things first.
Tip No 19
Control what you can control. Admit what you can�t control and learn to be wise enough to know the variances.
Tip No 20
Live in the present moment. The single moment in which we can really be happy and we have control is the present moment. So be happy now! Because if not now, then when?
Final Words
Make happiness as an essential part of your life. Formulate happiness routines and make them a part of your daily life. Remind yourself however you can to do what you need to do and compensate yourself as frequently as possible for doing what you have done.

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